Doctrine & Covenants

Recently added

To be added

  • Testimony of the Twelve Apostles
  • Section 1 — The Lord’s Preface
  • Section 2 — The hearts of the children shall turn, with Malachi 4
  • Section 7 — What desirest thou?
  • Section 8 — I will tell you in your mind and in your heart*
  • Section 9 — Study it out in your mind…*
  • Section 13 — The Priesthood of Aaron**
  • Section 27 — When ye partake of the sacrament*
  • Section 28 — On Hiram Page’s “stone”
  • Section 29 — Revelation in the presence of six elders
  • Section 34 — My son Orson
  • Section 45 — On the Second Coming
  • Section 62 — The testimony which you have borne is recorded in heaven for the angels to look upon*
  • Section 64 — An ensign unto the people
  • Section 65 — Prepare ye the supper of the Lamb*
  • Section 67 — The Lord’s challenge
  • Section 76 — The Vision — See also, coda by Joseph Smith
  • Section 79 — My servant Jared**
  • Section 84 — Sing this new song
  • Section 85 — One mighty and strong
  • Section 86 — On the parable of the wheat and tares*
  • Section 88 — The “Olive Leaf”
  • Section 89 — The “Word of Wisdom”
  • Section 93 — Know how to worship, and know what you worship*
  • Section 99 — You shall cleanse your feet in the secret places*
  • Section 109 — Kirtland Temple dedicatory prayer
  • Section 110 — My name shall be here*
  • Section 121 — Where art Thou?* — Without compulsory means it shall flow unto thee *
  • Section 125 — Build up cities unto my name**
  • Section 126 — Well-beloved brother, Brigham**
  • Section 133 — “Concerning the gathering”

4 comments to Doctrine & Covenants

  • A white circle on a gray background

Description automatically generatedDEHowe

October 26, 2010 at 12:31 pm

I’m so looking forward to your detailed outline of D&C 45. I used the scripture headings in LDS scriptures, this morning in Seminary Class for obsolete Teenagers (we are instructed to call it Adult Religion Class) as we have many parents of HS-age Seminary Students who now have a place to go while their youth are in their classes, and parents and other adults in ours, and neighboring stakes can stick around and study same curriculum as their children, and conveniently, they’re still at the Stake Center at the end of class, and parents can then provide transportation to school for the youth, and the parents (and other adults) had a chance to study scriptures, too, rather than just going back home to get an extra 20-25 minutes of rest/sleep.

In my approach, I took the ten subheadings and split #5 at v.34 for F = verses 34-38, with the F(central focus) for His disciples then, as now: “Be not troubled”

(Numbers below pertain to verses w/in D&C 45)
A: 1–5, Christ is our Advocate with the Father;
B: 6–10, The gospel is a messenger to prepare the way before the Lord;
C: 11–15, Enoch and his brethren received by the Lord unto himself;
D: 16–23, Christ revealed signs of his coming as given on the Mount of Olives;
E: 24–33 The gospel shall be restored, the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled, and a desolating sickness cover the land;
[F: 34-38, (be not troubled]
E’: 39–47, Signs, wonders, and the resurrection are to attend the Second Coming;
D’: 48–53, Christ shall stand on Mount of Olives, and Jews shall see the wounds in his hands and feet;
C’: 54–59, The Lord shall reign during the Millennium;
B’: 60–62, The Prophet is instructed to begin the translation of the New Testament, through which important information would be made known;
A’: 63–75, The saints are commanded to gather and build the New Jerusalem, to which people from all nations will come.

(reference: Doctrine and Covenants | Section 45:Heading, edited by DEHowe 10/26/10)

I’d be interested to know if this outline is within the ballpark. My favorite reflexive parallel is mention of “Mount of Olives” in both D & D’, as that is not only where these events were foretold, but it will also be the location of his return, and as his foot descends upon the Mount of Olives, it shall split open (like the Red Sea and form a valley) and HE shall deliver the Jews from destruction, and it will be there, the Jews will learn that the Messiah, is in fact, Jesus of Nazareth, returned to deliver them, and they will ask: What are these marks on your feet and hands? I had goose bumps all during the class.

  • A white circle on a gray background

Description automatically generatedRichard C. Shipp

September 26, 2011 at 2:38 pm


I did a Master’s Thesis at BYU back in 1972-5, which included my thesis on Chiasmus in Modern Revelation. The thesis is entitled, “Conceptual Patterns of Repetition in the Doctrine and Covenants ad Their Implications.”

The Thesis analyzed many D&C revelations, as well as giving many examples of the three types of repetition found in the Scriptures: Parallel, Reverse (Chiasmus), and Combination patterns (that incorporate both parallel and chiastic together).

You can find the thesis online in a digital collection by BYU Library:

Conceptual Patterns of Repetition
in the Doctrine and Covenants
and Their Implications

– – –

Here is their brief explanation of this Thesis collection:

BYU Master’s Theses on Mormonism (Digital Collection)

How are the Theses Selected?

The goal for this collection is inclusiveness. Master’s theses contain important research and writing in many disciplines which are often overlooked and are much less readily available than doctoral dissertations. It is basically an author selected collection, because every author, or their descendents, is routinely contacted to gain copyright permission for inclusion in this digital collection.

A few authors have denied copyright permission because of their own desire to publish their work or because of their concern over the “datedness” of their scholarship. New scholarship builds upon existing scholarship and the fact that the earliest theses in this digital collection were written in the 1930s, indicates that there may be much revisionist research and writing that has occurred since a specific thesis was written. The decision was made, however, to include the master’s theses as written at the time the degree was granted even though the author was aware of subsequent relevant research. It should be recognized that many master’s thesis may still be the major scholarly work on a specific subject.

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Files in this viewer are displayed and printed as individual pages. If you wish to print the entire document, a printing version is included at the bottom of each table of contents. These printing versions are Adobe Acrobat files, are searchable, and are usually large in size. Because of their large size, they may be difficult for you to download if you are on a dial up connection.

I think you will enjoy learning more about chiasmus in modern revelation, as one of the proofs of the divine Prophetship of Joseph Smith—yet another evidence that the God of the Hebrews spoke through Joseph Smith.

(The thesis also presents D&C 136, which shows the chiastic structure of this revelation as received by President Brigham Young.)

  • A white circle on a gray background

Description automatically generatedRichard C. Shipp

September 26, 2011 at 2:42 pm

The thesis I refer to above, also has an explanation and examples of how to analyze the revelations for their internal structure. The task is not to force a pattern, but just to see the pattern that is there. Care should be taken not to “skim off” a pattern from the text, which is not the real underlying pattern structure of the text. I think looking through the thesis introduction on how the analysis was done would prove helpful.


  • A person in a suit

Description automatically generatedScott Vanatter

November 11, 2011 at 4:40 pm

Understood. Jared and I acknowledged to ourselves, and to the public that with more careful examination, and even more maturity, experience and understanding we can/should see into these wonderful patterns with much more clarity, etc. I gave a presentation a couple years ago at a confernce on chiasmus (in Utah) where I opened with such a caution. Thanks again for writing.